mercredi, août 08, 2007


4 commentaires:

Mary deB a dit…

Looks like a rat party! The series of photos made me laugh...

Steverino a dit…

Similarly, I have not stopped giggling since viewing the first photo and these as well!
An aside; I must admit I have an interest in deceased vermin since I have an on going photo series of them going back over the last five years captured as I walk and bike about Chicago.
Have a great day!

Steve in sweltering Chicago

Guille a dit…

Brrr... Ces photos me rappelent le temple aux rats de Deshnoke (Inde, Rajasthan) où mes amis m'avaient trainée de force. Souvenir impérissable! Des milliers de rats à vos pieds qui grouillent. Et on ne les touche pas car ils sont la réincarnation d'enfants sacrés...

Disa a dit…

I would skip any more rat photos and show some old cathedrals. Just a thought. When I finally get to France that will be the first place I want to see. The older the better. Any suggestions where to go....? Surprise me please.
