Petrea's words: "We chose Lilly's French Cafe in Venice, California (because Perris, California is too far from Los Angeles and besides, they pronounce it wrong). Our charming waiter, Adam, took two photos of us. Seated: Tall Gary, Pont Girl, and my husband John. Standing: Carrie and me (Petrea). Carrie ordered the escargot. There were six morsels in her order. She tried one and didn't like it. So the rest of us each had one. We all thought they were very good. The one remaining on the plate we decided to name Eric [LOOOOOOOOOOOOL - me!] in your honor, but unfortunately Eric the Escargot didn't last very long. John couldn't resist him. We talked a lot about how much we love Paris Daily Photo, and you, and all the people on the blog. It was great fun getting together and you started the whole thing!" ;)
33 commentaires:
I ate escargot yesterday too...AND tartare! It was yummy!
Tall Gary looks tall even sitting down. What a chic and sophisticated group of intelligent internet users I see!
Poor little Eric. His end was in service of a higher cause.
Magnifique! You are beautiful, people...and beautiful people! Merci Petrea et Eric for sharing these photos! ;-)
Coltrane tells the truth - you are all very beautiful!
To add just a little bit more dimension:
You can kind of see it in the photo that Petrea has a most charmingly expressive mouth. Pont Girl has the most unbelievably smooth porcelain skin. Carrie is infused with a kind of Celtic fire (I wonder if she is Celtic at all). And John is a clever-good talker.
Thanks all.
Uselaine, I look tall sitting down because I was using a children's highchair in order to reach the same level of others at the table. At this restaurant such amenities are handed out in consideration of one's mental age.
PDP on PDP! And naming an escargot after Eric - priceless! Lovely to see you all.
It really is wierd putting faces to names. You build up an image real or imagined of people via their images and comments. I had expected Tall Gary for instance to be short, assuming it was a joke moniker. Se how wrong can you be. Hope you all had a great time.
Tall Gary, you are most generous, witty and handsome. Everything else you said is true.;)
The only thing missing from the party was everyone else from PDP.
How very cool! I'm so glad you had a good time!
Sorry you got eaten, Eric!
To add just a wee bit more dimension: Tall Gary is as charming and funny in person as he is in print. (Even tho I was a bit scared when I first saw him in his Crip Blue shirt, erm, I mean Bastille Day blue shirt). TG, your kind words are right on about Petrea, her husband, and Pont Girl, but, oh dear, I didn't know my Celtic fire was showing -- I hope it didn't get out of control!!?? (Yes, I do have a few Celtic genes floating around.) And, why did you tell them all about the children's high chair -- you could have gotten away with it! :))
See what I mean? What a group of people. And it's not just to Eric to whom we owe the pleasure; lest we forget, this gathering was originally inspired by Carrie and Pont Girl realizing that they work in the same building in L.A. They were gracious enough to allow us others to bask in and share their PDP glory for which I am in their debt.
If that Celtic fire does get out of control Carrie, I believe there are a few Parisian firemen waiting to smother those flames in the manner to which you desire.
The highchair was nothing compared to that other secret I was trying to conceal abou
What an enviable Mutual Admiration Society you all are. Thanks for sharing w/the rest of us -- and thanks for showing us some previously well-hidden faces (and btw, why hidden? -- you're all as pretty as a Parisian pompier).
Oooh, merci d'avoir partage cette fete avec PDP! And Alexa, you are so right about the mutual admiration society -- How charming!
Carrie, your Celtic fire is something to bask in, certainly not something to quench.
Here's the cool thing (at least one cool thing): here online, we could pretend to be something we're not. But in person everyone was just as great as I'd hoped--even better. As the evening progressed it became more and more fun, and we made plans to get together again when Katie comes to town next week. It made me realize how much fun it must have been for those of you who got to picnic on the banks of the Seine, and how difficult it must have been to say "bonne nuit."
Fun to see the photos of your celebration -- and all of you! And perfect having escargot (altho perhaps we should have a moment of silence for little Eric...)
Merci for sharing with us!
Uh, could somebody do a safety check on Tall Gary... are... are you okay, big guy? He kind of... oh, dear...
I just saw "Fracture" so I'm a little paranoid I guess. Powerful lighting and lens work in that, never letting you feel like you have the big picture. Good news - a fairly close shot of Petrea's beautiful profile. Bad news - no establishing shot putting her with the other actors. But all was just as convincing as I feared. I kept the light on.
Katie's coming to town and you're going to get together again?! This is just such a cool extension of what began in Paris; I think it's wonderful.
I just checked out the IMDB page for "Fracture" and noticed that a certain Petrea's photo is visible here as well. Did someone post this before? I was out of town.
Hey, it looks like you guys had a good time! I wonder if I could create Western PA Chapter of the PDP Fan Club...
usE, TG, I really was in the room working with them, regardless of establishing shot. This was before Gosling's Oscar nomination; he was quite nice and easy to work with. Mr. Hopkins was on the other side of the room for most of our shooting, but he came over and introduced himself with the sweetest smile. Very friendly. But I have to say the biggest thrill was working with Fiona Shaw. She's perhaps the least famous of the three, but a brilliant actress. She was a teacher in a summer course I'd taken in 1999. With a bit of prodding she remembered me, and while we weren't shooting we got to converse. It felt like full circle to have studied with her, then get a chance to actually work on camera with her. I'll never forget it.
Oooh, and she was the one I was most thinking of while viewing the scene! I'm so glad, because I'm a bit of an Austen fan and she was tremendous in Persuasion (1995). She's famously bold on the British stage, but you knew that.
I'm her big, big fan and I haven't even seen her on stage. She's an artist to the core.
Nice to meet you all! Love the story about "Eric the escargot!" :)
This is so cool. I am not surprised that everyone is just as fun as imagined. There is such a good vibe here at PDP, why would it be otherwise.Thanks for sharing your evening.
ms. m, that is so funny ,...perhaps we should have a moment of silence for little Eric...LOL!
TallGary, you are far too kind...
Petrea! I have met you twice and this is the first I'm hearing about Fracture!!?? Quelle surprise! I guess we'll have to save that discussion for lunch next Friday! Can't wait!
what a lovely surprise to see you all. I feel connected. Perhaps I'll try to get together with my closest CDP people. "Eric, the Escargot" sounds like a nice title for a children's book!
Petrea, I read your Filmography at the IMDB page for "Fracture". That's really impressive -- you have been in a lot of films.
What a great community you are. All your comment bring tears to my eyes ;)
Eric (the little escargot that's been eaten!)
That does it Eric. I'm never eating another snail ever again!
Well, as USElaine mentioned, you get a good look at my profile. It's not as if I'm central...
So fun to see you all, mes amies. And very fun to read everyone's comments here. I liked reading Tall Gary's descriptions of you all, and very nice to be able to share in your fun through these photos. Now I'm going to have to look up Fracture (thanks US Elaine) and Petrea's other work.
The Seattlites are hosting a picnic for Pacific Northwest(BC,WA,OR) CDPBloggers in September (21st). Bibi is coming from Belgrade and all are invited.
What lovely friendships have formed through the inspiration of PDP!
I've enjoyed these comments immensely. Like pont girl said, being recognized on PDP makes me feel like a celebrity!
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