This is were I was when I took all these photos for the Tribu Cancer association. It's the top (that is about 40 stories above ground) of the EDF (the French electricity company) tower. It was a stunning experience, I must say. Before you ask, the reason why I was wearing a mask is that they have air conditioning equipment (exhaust fans) up there and they don't want to take any risk regarding legionnaire's disease.
6 commentaires:
What a view!
Even with the mask, I can tell you're smiling.
I know it is unbecoming of me but I am so jealous of your view. but thank you for posting it anyway!
Simply looking at the photo is exhilarating! When it appeared to me as though the EDF building was even taller than La Grande Arche, curiosity got the best of me, and I went searching ... I found this site that shows Paris monuments and buildings by height:
Wow Eric, you get to do the neatest things! Thanks for showing us the sights!
Aucun doute sur le fait que la tour EDF est plus haute que la Grande Arche. Merci pour le lien sur la hauteur des monuments, cependant.
Wow!!! That is really impressive! (the view, the height, the breathing protection device) Thank you for adding this picture, it's a great shot.
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